Thursday, 26 August 2010


Before I start this post, I want to congratula Jenna for her 3000, I mean, 3012 followers at the moment!!!!!! It's a great achievement and very deserved, since Jenna is totally into SMW, helps everybody, picks great writers and makes all kinds of creative competitons! (I spotted my image. Have you spotted yours? :) )

Also, congrats to Star Dose which reached 400 followers this week! Articles are great, Formspring column it's hilarious and there's a lot of competions going on!

Now, how have you been? I'm a bit bored these days. School feels in the air, right?I really didn't find much except:
  • Manollo.DiCicco's brand new projects:

MCM Publishers

Note: Does everyone know that I'm in my country one of the most famous online fan-fiction writers? (I know I know I'm terrible modest too :)) ) Still, school is starting so soon, so I'm guessing I'm just gonna enjoy to published books at MCM :(
  • The Style Project- which I previously write about oppened it's gates. I really enjoyed the articles and I wish good luck to Maria!

Also, am I the only one who is feeling the suprapopulation of anonymous? GumBall, a future Burn Book, even a Make-Up Guru????

Lady Oreo


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Aww thanks for featuring TSP! :)

SD GD reviews! said...