Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Miss Lolita's poser I found something interesting yesterday but I had to take a walk with my parents. Well, not before I print-screen-ed some evidence.

It all began with a entry in Charlotte (N1MKA4EVA)'s guestbook claiming that 24selena stole all her LE and hacked her.
Of course it was obious it was a POSER, cause if Lolita have really been hacked, I'm sure she would write about that on PSG or on BMK blog. Yet, I visited the REAL Miss_LolitaF and my thoughts were confirmed. Lolita had all her LE.

Notice the fact that the presentation message is gone today, since everyone found out the truth :)

Now....who is the poser? Just someone who wants a little attetion and 24selena gets reported. Why 24selena? Well...I don't really care, francly.


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